Message of the President

Message Of The President
The fourth General Convention of the Federation of Nepal Printers’ Association (FNPA), the sole umbrella organization representing Nepalese printers, convened its 10th General Assembly and 5th National Congress on Magh 20, 2080, in Kathmandu. During this gathering, a new executive committee was elected to serve a two-year term (2024-2026), with myself assuming the chairmanship. I extend heartfelt gratitude to all the representatives, observers, members of the election committee, staff, and other notable figures whose active participation contributed to the resounding success of the convention.
We are dedicated to ensuring that the incumbent committee’s tenure proves highly productive, furthering the objectives and goals set forth by the federation since its inception. We pledge to collaborate closely with both governmental and non-governmental entities, working hand-in-hand to advance the interests of the printing industry and contribute to the nation’s economic prosperity.
It is with pride that we announce the new executive committee’s initiatives aimed at equipping the print industry to meet the challenges of the modern era. We also recognize and appreciate the efforts of our predecessors in this regard.
Lastly, I express sincere gratitude to all those involved in our industry, and I look forward to continued cooperation as we strive for greater achievements and a brighter future together.