Federation of Nepal Printers’ Association
Federation of Nepal Printers’ Association (FNPA) is the one and only umbrella organization of printing industries and allied corporate houses in Nepal. As per the FNPA charter, district level printers’ association, representative associations of printing entrepreneurs of districts, and related corporate houses are associated as members of the FNPA.
The establishment of FNPA marks a glorious history in Nepal. It was advanced and renamed as FNPA on 13thh January2013 from its original form as Nepal Printers’ Association (NPA), which was established on 20th September 1978 under chairmanship of senior printing entrepreneur and writer Govinda Bahadur Malla Gothale.
Considering opportunities and challenges emerged with changing time and context, the NPA was advanced as FNPA through a decision taken from the national convention held on 4th February 2012 (2068-10-21 BC). Hundreds of printing entrepreneurs participated in the national convention from across the country in Kathmandu and univocally endorsed the executive committee’s decision to advance the NPA into FNPA.
The FNPA, registered under Institution Registration Act of Nepal government, is located in Kathmandu; the capital city of Nepal. As FNPA is the organized representative body of printing entrepreneurs’ in the country, it represents interests of the private sectors and involved in promotion of socio-economic development of Nepal through private sector led economic growth.
The FNPA represents almost all printing entrepreneurs established across the country by associating them in district level associations. The endeavors of the FNPA are now centered to help the printing business and improve their productivity with quality assurance, explore markets in home and abroad and introduce Nepalese printing products and services to the international arena. It has also been engaging as liaison agencies to promote the printing business and to explore the overall performance of entrepreneurs, staffers and technicians by co-coordinating with governmental and non-governmental organizations concerned, here and abroad.